ElvUI Version 13.62 Free Download

ElvUI Version 13.62


ElvUI Version 13.62 is a latest update to a remarkable supplement used in World of Warcraft Classic Cataclysm. However, supplements are more like several distinct programs which contain new additions to enhance the gaming experience of users.  On the other hand, ElvUI is a significant addon that allow the users that they can customize their health bars, mini-maps and chats as per their own wish.

Furthermore, as same to the another versions of ElvUI, it also contain various features and fixes bugs for the users. Now the users can get more information about different attacks by opponents and they can also easily avail accurate information about their pets with the help of its advanced features. This advanced update makes ElvUI work better on those special servers for older versions of the game (Era servers), and fixes a problem where it wasn’t showing how far away enemies were.

Features of ElvUI Version 13.62

The followings are the new features:

  • The game has now turned on the Dual Specialization feature for Shadowlands of Draenor.
  • We have also enabled the paging option on Era servers for Shadow form priests.
  • Unit frames have the ability to show the threat information which includes the one with the high threat score and the threat score of your own character on the target.
  • It introduced a new tag called “Threat Lead” which displays the percentage of the threat lead.
  • Raid Utility previously only used to be fully visible to the leader and limitedly to the assistant leader but now it can be shown in the groups as well.
  • The time Data text now also includes Sunken Temple.

Bug Fixes

Here are its Bug Fixes:

  • There was a bug error on Era servers due to the new event Guild Deaths but now it is now resolved.
  • When unchecking the Spell Ranks, the Range display of Unit frames used to break because of a bug. The issue has been fixed now.
  • Previously, Pet Aura Indicators needed you to set pet-specific settings but now it can utilize the global settings or your own profile.

Final Thoughts

Now the users can make their game even more exciting as per their own wishes through the advanced features of ElvUI Version 13.62. However, the users can easily resolve various problems especially if you play on Era servers or use Shadow priests. Moreover, this latest version can be more suitable for the players of World of Warcraft Classic Cataclysm. I recommend ElvUI Version 13.62 for all of them who love to play WaW games.

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